On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 20:02:15 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 18:22:00 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
On 2019-04-07 17:16:12 +0000, Seb said:

Then you can do:

["a": 1].byPair.array.sort!((a, b) => a.value < a.value).release.each!writeln;

You'll have a sorted array with key and value props.

This seems to be really tricky:

int[uint] myArray;

foreach(key, value; myArray.byPair.array.sort!((a, b) => a.value < a.value)){...}

Error: no property sort for type Tuple!(uint, "key", int, "value")[]

You forgot to import std.algorithm.
In doubt, use std.experimental.all or with 2.086 it will just be `import STD;`

*import std;

(auto-correct from my phone was too eager.)

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