On Monday, 22 April 2019 at 08:02:06 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran wrote:
What am I doing wrong here?

struct A
    union B
        int bb;
    B b;
    alias aa = b.bb;

void main()
    A a = A();
    // a.b.bb = 4; // works
    a.aa = 4; // fails


aa is a "static" semantic.

your statement a.aa does not get translated in to a.b.bb like you think it does.

You are doing nothing any different than A.aa = 4.

which, when you realize this you'll understand the "need this" error.

It's as if you are doing

struct A
    union B
        int bb;
    B b;
     alias aa = A.b.bb;

aa = 4;

which is like trying to say

A.b.bb = 4;

In D we can access "static" stuff using the object and so this can make things look like the mean something they are not.

If you could magically pass the this to it using something like UFCS then it could work.

import std.stdio;
struct A
    union B
        int bb;
    B b;
    alias aa = (ref typeof(this) a) { return &a.b; };

void main()
    A a = A();
    a.b.bb = 4;
    a.aa(a).bb = 5;

But here a.aa is not aa(a) and UFCS does not work so one must first access the alias and then pass the this.

Basically you are not going to get it to work. Just not how the semantics works.

It would be nice if a.aa(a) could reduce to a.aa as is UFCS was smart enough to realize it could pass it to the alias as this, but it doesn't.

else one might could do

alias aa = this.b.bb;


a.aa = 4;

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