On 26-04-2019 10:31, Amex wrote:
When debugging under visual D, the keyboard response is slowed down to the extreme. This is a Gtk issue I believe. It only has to do with the keyboard.

For example, if I hit F10 to step, it takes the ide about 10 seconds to "respond" and move to the next line... yet the mouse can access stuff instantaneous.

I believe Gtk or GtkD is slowing down the keyboard input somehow and for some reason making debugging apps a nightmare since it literally takes about 100 times longer to debug than it should.

searching google reveals:



"You somehow break keyboard shortcuts during debugging in VS if the application you're debugging is registering a callback with "SetWindowsHookEx" from user32.dll with hook ID "WH_KEYBOARD_LL".

Don't call it in debug builds or add "if (!Debugger.IsAttached)" in front of the call to "SetWindowsHookEx" if the debugger is attached before the function is called.

This brings debugging with keyboard back to the same speed as with the UI buttons for our application."

This seems to be an issue with Gtk. I'm not sure if GtkD can do anything about it. Maybe somehow reroute the keyboard handler(first remove it from the hook then call it manually or reduce the number of calls to it).

I can confirm that gtk call "SetWindowsHookEx" with the "WH_KEYBOARD_LL" ID upon initialization.

As far as i can tell it doesn't provide a way to skip this.

Mike Wey

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