On Monday, 6 May 2019 at 16:50:14 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
        myFramework mf = new myFramework;

I'd make that thing's constructor private, and then offer a helper template function that actually creates it and the user passes a type.

// inside your library
struct myFramework {
   private MyFramework app;
   private this(MyFramework app) {
      this.app = app;

myFramework initializeMyFramework(FrameworkClass)() if(is(FrameworkClass : myFrameworkApp))
    return myFramework(new FrameworkClass());

Then the user's code would look something like this:

import my_framework;
class myAppCode : myFrameworkApp {
    // implementations....

void main() {
   auto thing = initializeMyFramework!myAppCode;
   // if you have other stuff to do with thing, you can here.

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