On Monday, 13 May 2019 at 21:29:18 UTC, Danny Arends wrote:

"ImportError: No module named 'stuff'"

How do I make the py_import file from pyd find the stuff.py file ?

On Linux PYTHONPATH doesn't have current directory by default, so a hacky way to do it is to add it to PYTHONPATH prior to each run

    PYTHONPATH=. ./prog

More realistic solution of course is to add it before importing anything in your code

    void main()
        py_stmts("import sys; sys.path += './'");

Or alternatively set the environment variable from D

ps. I removed the vs debugger stuff since I'm on Linux

It is cross platform, I just tested it myself and it works fine. You can mixed debugging D and Python is VS Code even on Linux.

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