Today I stumbled over this error:

import std.stdio;

void insert () ()
   // some code

void insert (T, Args ...) (T x, Args args)
   static if (T.stringof == "int") {{
   else if (T.stringof == "bool") {{ // ← "static" is missing here
   else static if (T.stringof == "string") {{
   else {{
      static assert (false);
   return insert (args);

void main ()
   insert (1, true, "string");

$ dmd elsestaticif
elsestaticif.d(20): Error: static assert:  false is false
elsestaticif.d(22): instantiated from here: insert!(bool, string) elsestaticif.d(27): instantiated from here: insert!(int, bool, string)

What confuses me is that D allows non-static else mixed with static else if clauses. I found this bug:
Issue 1053 - Make 'static else if' or 'static if (...) {...} else if' work

which states:

  On the other hand, I'm pretty sure

    static if (foo) { }
    else if (bar) { }

is an error currently, so it would be nice if that were just taken to be a "static else if". There isn't a "static else {}" so why should we have to repeat the "static" on an "else if"? One "static" should be enough.

That sounds reasonable. Is there any further discussion on this problem?

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