On Monday, 20 May 2019 at 02:18:51 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
Here's some outputs if you are interested

Noticing how Heapify moves a large portion of areas more or less in their location, doing heapify before binary insertion sort lowers how much moving goes on quite a bit. Doing 2 heapify's dropped in my test down a lot.

An interesting idea to throw in partial ideas from other sorts to make a more efficient one.

 So binary insertion sort heap(min): BISH

 Some experiments to be done, but looks interesting.

Sorting a 44 character string/array (quick brown fox) took about 250 comparisons and similar moves. I removed a bunch that are likely an assert in the final check/run of the heapify.

Original binary insertion sort was 154 comparisons and 466 moves.
Bish sort was 259 & 284 moves

  • Hookable Swap Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: Hookable Swap Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: Hookable Swap Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-learn

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