On Saturday, 22 June 2019 at 16:52:07 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
I'm looking into why my thing does so many memory allocations. Profiling with kcachegrind shows _d_allocmemory being called upon entering a certain function, lots and lots of times.

It's a function that receives concurrency messages, so it contains nested functions that close over local variables. Think receiveTimeout(0.seconds, &nested1, &nested2, &nested3, ...) with 13 pointers to nested functions passed.

When entering the following function, does it allocate:

1. 0 times, because while there are closures defined, none is ever called?
2. 2 times, because there are closures over two variables?
3. 20 times, because there are 20 unique closures?

Clearly this is a good time for you to learn about the tools D offers to profile allocations. There is the --profile=gc DMD argument that you can use but here there's something better: DMD's GC has a few hooks that are directly inside druntime and therefore available to any D program.

Putting your above code in test.d you can then do:

$ dmd test.d
$ ./test --DRT-gcopt=profile:1
        Number of collections:  2
        Total GC prep time:  0 milliseconds
        Total mark time:  0 milliseconds
        Total sweep time:  0 milliseconds
        Max Pause Time:  0 milliseconds
        Grand total GC time:  0 milliseconds
GC summary:    1 MB,    2 GC    0 ms, Pauses    0 ms <    0 ms

And here is your answer: two allocations. More information about --DRT-gcopt there: https://dlang.org/spec/garbage.html

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