Hmm, it seems that once I remove sudo from the shebang, the error disappears and Internal Server Error disappears.

example.d - does not work
#!/usr/bin/env -S sudo dub /+ dub.sdl:
        name "hello"
import std.stdio;
void main()
   writeln(`Content-type: text/html`);
writeln(`<body style="background: lightgreen">CGI D Example</body>`);



[Wed Jul 31 15:48:07.769766 2019] [cgid:error] [pid 4012:tid 140324198397696] [client >] End of script output before headers: example.d

example.d - Works perfectly, no errors in the log
#!/usr/bin/env -S dub /+ dub.sdl:
        name "hello"
import std.stdio;
void main()
   writeln(`Content-type: text/html`);
writeln(`<body style="background: lightgreen">CGI D Example</body>`);


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