On Thursday, 29 August 2019 at 10:58:47 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:
On Thursday, 29 August 2019 at 10:39:44 UTC, Jabari Zakiya wrote:

Great - then you can use shared(immutable(uint)[]). You should be able to convert from immutable(uint[]) to that without issue. There's a utility function in std.exception called assumeUnique that can be used for conversion to immutable that may be more informative than cast(immutable):

shared(uint) modpg;
shared(uint) res_0;
shared(immutable(uint)[]) restwins;
shared(immutable(uint)[]) resinvrs;

auto genPGparameters(int i) {
    import std.typecons;
    import std.exception;
    // Showing both cast and assumeUnique:
return tuple(1u, 2u, cast(immutable)[3u], [4u].assumeUnique);

unittest {
    import std.meta : AliasSeq;
    int pg;
    // No need for temporaries:
AliasSeq!(modpg, res_0, restwins, resinvrs) = genPGparameters(pg);


Correct - since there are no indirections in a uint, you can assign directly to a shared(uint) - nobody else will have a non-shared pointer to that uint, so it's somewhat safe. If you do the same with uint[], you'll still have a pointer to the same values, and changing a value that says it's thread-local (no shared) will change values that is shared with the rest of the program. There are some issues with the current shared design, but this is what it's intended to do.


It still won't compile, with this error.

Error: AliasSeq!(modpg, res_0, restwins, resinvrs) is not an lvalue and cannot be modified

Here's a gist of the code.

Top functions in code with issues are genPgParameters and selectPG


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