
I'm trying to link to "-framework OpenGL" on MacOS and finding any clues on how to accomplish this.

If I pass that switch to clang and use clang to create the executable, it works perfectly but I would like to use dmd to create the executable. Here is the list of errors I'm trying to resolve:

dmd dmain main.o imgui_impl_glfw.o imgui_impl_opengl3.o imgui.o imgui_demo.o imgui_draw.o imgui_widgets.o gl3w.o -L-lstdc++ -L-lglfw
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_CFBundleCreate", referenced from:
      _open_libgl in gl3w.o
  "_CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName", referenced from:
      _get_proc in gl3w.o
  "_CFRelease", referenced from:
      _close_libgl in gl3w.o
      _get_proc in gl3w.o
  "_CFStringCreateWithCString", referenced from:
      _get_proc in gl3w.o
  "_CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath", referenced from:
      _open_libgl in gl3w.o
  "___CFConstantStringClassReference", referenced from:
      CFString in gl3w.o
  "_kCFAllocatorDefault", referenced from:
      _open_libgl in gl3w.o
      _get_proc in gl3w.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Could someone point me in the right direction please?

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