On 15/09/2019 5:06 AM, Brett wrote:
On Saturday, 14 September 2019 at 11:39:21 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 14/09/2019 11:34 PM, Brett wrote:
I have an algorithm that is most efficiently implement by taking an array and slicing it upward, meaning removing the leading elements.

Because the algorithm is complex(deterministic but chaotic) and deals with multiple arrays it is difficult to efficiently use slicing.

Is there some easy way to take an array and slice it in a way that as the array grows any slices will "shift".

Essentially it is sort of reversing how normal slices are represented

slice last 2, [1,64]

That part is easy.

import std.stdio;

void main() {
    int[] array = [2,4,1,64];
    array[$-2 .. $].writeln;

I hope you are being factious.

What happens when one appends to array?

You will still need to store the length separately.

I only commented what the syntax is for that particular problem.

Paul Backus and Jonathan M Davis both deal in the part that is hard that you asked about.

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