On Friday, 25 October 2019 at 15:52:50 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Friday, 25 October 2019 at 09:25:21 UTC, Dennis wrote:
I can overload the 'in' operator on my types to something that takes exponential time if I want, just like "+" can also be overloaded to a linear time operation on e.g. BigInt.

Worth noting that `opIn` is a D1 operator overload, and thus deprecated as of 2.088.0.

That wasn't mentioned though? Does it reverse the arguments so
that the writeln() examples below can be more naturally ordered?

  #! /usr/bin/env rdmd
  import std.stdio;

  struct X {
      string data;

      bool opBinary(string op)(char p) if (op == "in") {
          foreach (c; data)
              if (p == c) return true;
          return false;

  void main() {
      auto x = X("hi there");
      writeln(x in 'i');
      writeln(x in '?');

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