On Tuesday, 26 November 2019 at 05:17:54 UTC, Taylor R Hillegeist wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 November 2019 at 05:05:48 UTC, Taylor R Hillegeist wrote:
I'm attempting to do a segment group.

alias ProbePoint[3]=triple;
triple[] irqSortedSet = UniqueTriples.keys
                                .sort!("a[1].irqid < 
83:triple[][] irqSortedSets = irqSortedSet.chunkBy!((a,b) => a[1].irqid == b[1].irqid);

GetAllTriplesExtractFileIrqSplit.d(83): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `chunkBy(irqSortedSet)` of type `ChunkByImpl!(__lambda4, ProbePoint[3][])` to `ProbePoint[3][][]`

I have something that looks like a triple[][] but I can't seem to get that type out. when I add .array it converts to a Group which doesn't make sense to me because I'm not using a unary comparison. Any thought?

a simpler example:

import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.array;
// Grouping by particular attribute of each element:
uint[3][] data = [
    [1, 1,0],
    [1, 2,0],
    [2, 2,0],
    [2, 3,0]

uint[3][][] r1 = data.chunkBy!((a,b) => a[0] == b[0]);

fails in the same way.

What exactly is the problem, as this works for me if I understood your goal correctly:

void main()
    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
    import std.array;
    import std;
    // Grouping by particular attribute of each element:
    uint[3][] data = [
        [1, 1,0],
        [1, 2,0],
        [2, 2,0],
        [2, 3,0]

    auto r1 = data.chunkBy!((a,b) => a[0] == b[0]);

If it is the type of the return value --> the return value of chunkBy has a different one compared to the input. Instead, you get an abstracted range whereas the input data serves as a source.

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