On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 23:32:34 UTC, Omar wrote:
this forks into a second question but I think still fits this thread as it could just be seen as another form of the same question. Is there a way to define some functions in the body of a class definition, and define others outside of it in other places in the
source file ?

No, there isn't. You have to define all of a class's methods in the class body.

However, you can define free functions that can be called with the same syntax as methods using UFCS [1]. For example:

import std.stdio;

class C {
    void foo() { writeln("foo"); }

void bar(C c) { writeln("bar"); }

void main() {
    C c;

The main limitation is that, because `bar` is really a free function and not a method, it will not be inherited by C's child classes, and therefore cannot be overridden.

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#pseudo-member

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