I have simplified my problem which can be seen below.

import std.stdio;
import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.core.concurrency;
import vibe.data.json;

void main()
    int[] list;

    bool ListManipulator(ref int[] list)
        list ~= 2;
        list ~= 4;
        return true;

    bool ListManipulatorPointer( int[]* list)
        *list ~= 2;
        *list ~= 4;
        return true;

auto future = vibe.core.concurrency.async(&ListManipulator, list);

    writeln(list); ----> prints empty list

future = vibe.core.concurrency.async(&ListManipulatorPointer, &list);

    writeln(list); ----> prints [2,4]

Why passing the pointer works meanwhile passing as reference does nothing? I feel that is more D issue than vibe.d which I can learn something I hope.


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