I am used to have cool tools like valgrid massif to visualize the memory usage from C++ but in D it seems I am blind folded looking for the problem.

Until now I tried:

--vgc option which show million things which makes it not useful
which seems to slow down my program like *200 times and I have some operation depending on time which makes creating the real case of the application impossible. The observation itself effect the experiment very badly.

Since this options are not useful for me, I tried to put debug logs in critical places to estimate where I am losing memory. I couldn't find a D native call to get the memory usage of the program. I had to call a shell command which also slows down the app. This slow down causes me to not be able to put this debug log too many places or in critical loops.

I manage to narrow it down a bit. Than I wanted to check the object instances to find out which objects are getting bigger. I tried GC.sizeOf(&object) which always prints 0. GC.sizeOf also does not works with associative arrays , I don't see any usefull case than GC.sizeOf(array.ptr).

That is the background of my questions and my questions are:

Is there a better way to visualize the memory in D something like valgrid massif?

profile-gc literally makes to program not do anything due to slow down is there any way to profile-gc in a faster fashion?

Is there a native function which will return the memory usage of my program?

Is there a function to return sizes of AAs and even class instances ?


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