I have created library/ framework to handle JSON-RPC requests using D methods. I use some *template magic* to translate JSON-RPC parameters and return values from/ and to JSON. And I have encountered funny bug that at first was hard to find. My programme just segfaulted when call to this method occured:

        void getCompiledTemplate(HTTPContext ctx)
                import std.exception: enforce;
                enforce(ctx, `ctx is null`);
                enforce(ctx.request, `ctx.request is null`);
                enforce(ctx.request.form, `ctx.request is null`);
                enforce(ivyEngine !is null, `ivyEngine is null`);
                string moduleName = ctx.request.form[`moduleName`];
                auto mod = ivyEngine.getByModuleName(moduleName);
                return ctx.response.write(mod.toStdJSON().toString());

So as you see I have added a lot of enforce to test if all variables are not null. But nothing was null and the reason of segfault were unclear. Today I just went home. Opened a bottle of beer. And have noticed that function is marked as returning `void`, but in fact it doesn't. When I fixed this segfault have gone. But why this even compiled?! Interesting...

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