On Wednesday, 25 December 2019 at 12:39:08 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
Are there any other ways to join two strings without Tilde ~ character? I can't seems to find anything about Tilde character concatenation easily, nor the alternatives to it. Can someone share some knowledge on this or at least point out useful links/resources?

Fixed last bug, now is working fine:

import std;
import std: Format = format;

// Function format()
text = text.Replace("%", "%%");
string format(T...)(string text, T args){
foreach(n, i; args){ text = text.replace("{%d}".Format(n+1), "%s$s".Format("%" ~ to!string(n+1))); }
        return text.replace("{}", "%s").Format(args);

void main(){
writeln("Hi {} how are you {}?".format("Marcone", "today")); // Hi Marcone how are you today? writeln("My name is {2} and I live in {1}.".format("Brazil", "Marcone")); // My name is Marcone and I live in Brazil. writeln("We are {2} and {1}. I am {} and you {}. ".format("Marcone", "Paul")); // We are Paul and Marcone. I am Marcone and you Marcone.

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