On Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 23:23:51 UTC, Jamie wrote:
I'm trying to initialise an associated array of associated arrays with values, taking the same approach I would for an associated array:

This works:

  import std.stdio;

  void main() {
      string[string][string] table = ([
      "info" : [
          "equation" : "H2 + I2 <=> 2HI",
          "type" : "elementary",
      "frc" : [
          "A" : "1.2e9",
          "n" : "1.2e9",
          "C" : "1.2e9",

c.f. https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17607

I found that by searching the forums for your error.

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