On Friday, 17 January 2020 at 16:43:17 UTC, Jan Hönig wrote:
I have created a docker image.
However the image size is not small (~500MB).
I wonder if others have a suitable dockerfile.
All i want is to install the current dmd release.

Does somebody have something similar?
Does somebody need something similar?

My dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:latest
MAINTAINER Jan Hönig <jan.hoe...@fau.de>

RUN apt-get update &&  apt-get install curl build-essential -y \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN latest=$(curl -sS http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/LATEST) \
  && echo "DMD Release: $latest" \\
&& curl "http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2020/dmd_${latest}-0_amd64.deb"; -o dmd.deb \
  && dpkg -i "dmd.deb" \
  && rm "dmd.deb"

If you really need small images, you could switch to Alpine, but MUSL c could lead to headaches ;)

There are also the official docker images https://hub.docker.com/u/dlang2

What is your goal? Do you want to compile s.th. in your docker image? Then you can have a layered docker file to reduce the size.

Kind regards

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