On Monday, 3 February 2020 at 20:41:00 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
It doesn't seem to include debugging symbols. Does digger not build its dmds with -g?

The exceptions happens inside of build.d not dmd which wasn't built with debug informations until recently.

Here's the full log: https://pastebin.com/raw/6MyVDFPc

Thanks. I can't tell exactly what went wrong but i would suggest building build.d with debug symbols and running it in verbose mode, e.g.:

..\generated\build.exe --called-from-make OS=windows BUILD=release MODEL=32 HOST_DMD= HOST_DC=C:\Temp\work\dl\dmd-2.079.0\dmd2/windows/bin\dmd.exe ..\generated\windows\release\32\lexer.lib -v

The repository should be checked out in work/repo/dmd IIRC

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