On 2/8/20 12:22 AM, Adnan wrote:
Just a foreword, this is for learning purposes, hence I am not using the dynamic array or Array!T.

I have a structure that maintains a heap allocated sized array inside.

struct LifoStack(T) {
   T[?] data;

This `data` is manually resized and copied. Thus the size itself is not a compile time constant. What should go inside `?` in the the type signature of data?

You just leave the parentheses empty:

  T[] data;

T[] is internally two things, the equivalent of the following:

   size_t length;
   T * ptr;

Also, how can I create runtime-determined sized fixed array in the heap?

To have fixed-size array, you have to somehow spell the size out at compile time. The closest thing that comes to mind... does not make sense... :)

T[N] makeStaticArray(T, size_t N)() {
  T[N] result;
  return result;

void main() {
  auto arr = makeStaticArray!(int, 42)(); // <-- Must say 42

See std.array.staticArray, which is much more useful:


But, really, if the size is known at run time, it's a dynamic array. :)


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