On Sunday, 9 February 2020 at 22:10:57 UTC, solnce wrote:
No, I understand that and agree - VSCode is impressive and I'll try it, but what is wrong with idea to have a dedicated IDE? At least one. C/C++ has tons of these and many of these are being actively developed, so why D cannot have? Especially when it is aiming to replace C/C++. Argument that VSCode is pretty much enough for most task it is ok, but is not very valid. The same applies to D itself - why to make a new language then when there is C++ around and there is a tons of IDE's for it.

Personally I feel this is more about lack of the vision, as Alexandrescu once said. Now it feels like D is mostly the compiler, but I think, that having one big mega project (like IDE+RAD) could give a new breath and significance to D language.

Making an entire IDE would be a lot of work. Making plugins for existing editors is already time consuming, and is less work than building a complete solution. Given how powerful regular editors can be, whether it's VSCode, Vim or Emacs, plugins make for a good compromise bewteen the time spent making the plugin, and the result you get.

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