On Wednesday, 12 February 2020 at 05:59:53 UTC, cc wrote:
On Monday, 3 February 2020 at 13:26:38 UTC, mark wrote:
I'm using std.zip.ZipArchive to read zip files, e.g.:
I couldn't find one either, I had to do this:

version(Windows) {
        enum uint FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x10;
auto zip = new ZipArchive(buffer);
foreach (fn, am; zip.directory) {
        if (am.fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                ... is directory
                ... is file

I need to work on both Linux and Windows, and on Linux am.fileAttributes seems to be 0 for both files and directories.

The lack of a cross-platform way of distinguishing whether an archive member is a directory or file does seem to be a missing piece of the API.

As I'm looking at my code for this I'm also reminded that different zip files can internally store path separators as either \ or / depending on the platform that created them so you may need to be careful about that too. I have a bit for this that simply does:
version(StandardizePathSeparators) {
        string filename = fn.replace("\\", "/");
} else {
        string filename = fn;

Yes, I was aware of that, but I use:

    string filename = fn.tr("\\", "/"); // tr is from std.string

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