import std.meta;
enum A = AliasSeq!(1, 2, 3, 4);
THREELOOP: static foreach (idx, field; A) {
        static if (field == 3) {
                pragma(msg, "Got a 3!");
                break THREELOOP;
        static if (idx == A.length - 1) {
                static assert(0, "Got no 3...");

What I'd like to achieve in this example is for compilation to fail if the given tuple doesn't contain a matching item. Is there an easy way to do this? Trying to break out of the static foreach gives me
Error:enclosing label `THREELOOP` for `break` not found

In this reduced example, I was able to accomplish this by setting some enum within the successful comparison body and then checking e.g. static if (!__traits(compiles, FOUND)) but this breaks down once I start dealing with multiple levels of scope.

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