On Tuesday, 18 February 2020 at 12:37:45 UTC, Adnan wrote:
I have a base class that has a couple of constant member variables. These variables are abstract, they will only get defined when the derived class gets constructed.

class Person {
    const string name;
    const int id;

class Male : Person {
    this(string name = "Unnamed Male") {
        static int nextID = 0;
        this.id = nextID++;
        this.name = name;

The compiler restricts me from assigning those two functions. How can I get around this?

const members can only be set in the constructor of the type that defines them. To set them in a subclass, forward the values to the superclass' constructor:

class Person {
    const string name;
    const int id;
    protected this(string _name, int _id) {
        id = _id;
        name = _name;

class Male : Person {
    this(string name = "Unnamed Male") {
        static int nextID = 0;
        super(name, nextID++);


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