On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 15:29:02 UTC, Bruce Carneal wrote:
big snip
TL;DR for the snipped: Unsurprisingly, different inputs will lead to different timing results. The equi-probable values supplied by a standard PRNG differ significantly from an equi-probable digit input. In particular, the PRNG input is much more predictable.

Note also that a uint PRNG will produce numbers that need 10 decimal digits. If my arithmetic is correct, you'll see "9 or better" out of a uint PRNG 97.79% of the time. The predictability of the full set of inputs is, secondarily but importantly, also influenced by the ability of the branch predictor to ferret out combinations.

I lack confidence in my ability to reason from first principles when presented with a modern CPU branch predictor and a complex input. Much easier for me to just run tests against various distributions that I think span the input and reason from the results.

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