On Monday, 2 March 2020 at 21:33:37 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 3/2/20 3:52 PM, aliak wrote:
On Monday, 2 March 2020 at 15:47:26 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 3/2/20 6:52 AM, Andrea Fontana wrote:
On Saturday, 29 February 2020 at 20:11:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
1. in is supposed to be O(lg(n)) or better. Generic code may depend on this property. Searching an array is O(n).

Probably it should work if we're using a "SortedRange".

int[] a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
auto p = assumeSorted(a);

assert(3 in p);

That could work. Currently, you need to use p.contains(3). opIn could be added as a shortcut.

It only makes sense if you have it as a literal though, as p.contains(3) isn't that bad to use:

assert(3 in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].assumeSorted);

There's no guarantee that checking if a value is in a sorted list is any faster than checking if it's in a non sorted list. It's why sort usually switches from a binary-esque algorithm to a linear one at a certain size.

Well of course! A binary search needs Lg(n) comparisons for pretty much any value, whereas a linear search is going to end early when it finds it. So there's no guarantee that searching for an element in the list is going to be faster one way or the other. But Binary search is going to be faster overall because the complexity is favorable.

Overall tending towards infinity maybe, but not overall on the average case it would seem. Branch prediction in CPUs changes that in that with a binary search it is always a miss. Whereas with linear it's always a hit.

The list could potentially need to be _very_ large for p.contains to make a significant impact over canFind(p) AFAIK.

Here's a small test program, try playing with the numbers and see what happens:

import std.random;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;
import std.datetime.stopwatch;
import std.stdio;

void main()
     auto count = 1_000;
     auto max = int.max;

     alias randoms = generate!(() => uniform(0, max));

     auto r1 = randoms.take(count).array;
     auto r2 = r1.dup.sort;
     auto elem = r1[uniform(0, count)];

auto elem = r1[$-1]; // try this instead

         () => r1.canFind(elem),
         () => r2.contains(elem),

Use LDC and -O3 of course. I was hard pressed to get the sorted contains to be any faster than canFind.

This begs the question then: do these requirements on in make any sense? An algorithm can be log n (ala the sorted search) but still be a magnitude slower than a linear search... what has the world come to 🤦‍♂️

PS: Why is it named contains if it's on a SortedRange and canFind otherwise?

A SortedRange uses O(lgn) steps vs. canFind which uses O(n) steps.

canFind is supposed to tell the reader that it's O(n) and contains O(lgn)?

If you change your code to testing 1000 random numbers, instead of a random number guaranteed to be included, then you will see a significant improvement with the sorted version. I found it to be about 10x faster. (most of the time, none of the other random numbers are included). Even if you randomly select 1000 numbers from the elements, the binary search will be faster. In my tests, it was about 5x faster.

Hmm... What am I doing wrong with this code? And also how are you compiling?:

void main()
    auto count = 1_000_000;
    auto max = int.max;

    alias randoms = generate!(() => uniform(0, max - 1));

    auto r1 = randoms.take(count).array;
    auto r2 = r1.dup.sort;
    auto r3 = r1.dup.randomShuffle;

    auto results = benchmark!(
        () => r1.canFind(max),
        () => r2.contains(max),
        () => r3.canFind(max),


$ ldc2 -O3 test.d && ./test
[1 hnsec, 84 μs and 7 hnsecs, 0 hnsecs]

Note that the compiler can do a lot more tricks for linear searches, and CPUs are REALLY good at searching sequential data. But complexity is still going to win out eventually over heuristics. Phobos needs to be a general library, not one that only caters to certain situations.

General would be the most common case. I don't think extremely large (for some definition of large) lists are the more common ones. Or maybe they are. But I'd be surprised. I also don't think phobos is a very data-driven library. But, that's a whole other conversation :)


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