On Saturday, 7 March 2020 at 15:44:38 UTC, Arine wrote:
The case when there isn't a value should be handled explicitly, not implicitly. Propogating a None value
isn't useful

Except when it is useful, and shouldn't be handled explicitly. I have code in D, C and C++ that looks like this:

    ReturnValue result = someInitialValue;
    auto foo = getFoo();
    if (!foo) return result;
    auto bar = foo.fun();
    if (!bar) return result;
    return bar.gun();

In C#, this would be:

    return getFoo()?.fun().gun() ?? someInitialValue;

And with implicit handling in Optional!T, it looks like this:

    return getFoo().oc.fun().gun().or(someInitialValue);

Clearly the latter two are more readable, and I'm not gonna care that it's a little slower in the 99% of cases where speed is not important.


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