On Sunday, 26 May 2013 at 15:48:00 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I wonder if people coming to D, looking for information about tuples, will get confused by http://dlang.org/tuple.html which seems to tell
people they have to "roll their own", and
http://dlang.org/phobos/std_typecons.html which tells people they have
been pre-rolled in the standard library?

I found this especially confusing because the built-in Tuple is defined differently.

The Tuple in that example is equivalent to the definition of TypeTuple, and yet TypeTuple is supposedly specific to types while that example (as so by implication TypeTuple) apparently works just as well with other contents.

On top of that Tuple is the one that only works with types - any string expressions are extracted and used as names... Surely a tuple which can only store types should be a TypeTyple and a tuple which can store anything should be a Tuple.

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