On Sat, 25 May 2013 23:50:28 +0100, Klaim - Joël Lamotte <mjkl...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think this have not been posted yet around here but might be interesting
to the D community as it is actually criticizing several languages
including D but with an interesting aproach:


So it seems D doesn't fit the bill due to point #3..

"Null pointer exceptions have no business in modern languages. Getting rid of them /costs no performance/, and statically eliminates the one big remaining cause of runtime crashes that we still see in otherwise “modern” languages."

/emphasis/ mine. Is it actually true that you can "remove" null pointer exceptions at no runtime cost?

It's possible if you remove pointers from the language.
It's possible if you statically require that any pointer/reference is initialised at declaration.

But, is it otherwise possible? Because both of these options are too restrictive for a systems programming language.

Point #4 might also be slightly at odds with D's current GC, but that can/will improve, eventually (bigger fish to fry).

Point #5 is likewise an area where D can/will improve, eventually (bigger fish to fry)


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