Am 13.02.2014 02:01, schrieb Jakob Ovrum:
On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 08:53:56 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
DUB 0.9.21 is currently in the RC stage. Before tagging a release, I'd
like it to get a little more exposure. Apart from checking if building
works (dependencies are now built separately by default), there are
two new features that could also benefit from more testing:

 - "dub test" will now automatically execute the unit tests of a
   package (see "dub test --help" for more information)

 - Sub packages can now be in sub folders (the recommended approach):

   "name": "somepack",
   "subPackages": {

   Those sub packages can be publicly referenced as a dependency for
   example as "somepack:subpack1" (assuming that the the package in

The binaries can be found on ("Latest

Pre-release thread on the DUB forum:

Added package description files for all the LuaD examples, and they all
work using the new build model with the exception of the `hello` example
(which you are aware of).

The dynamic library example also builds correctly, but it would be nice
to have a way to specify how to run it, so I filed that over at the dub
issue tracker.

I also reworked LuaD's readme files to emphasize dub :)

Nice! The dylib run addition will be scheduled for the next release (hopefully ready in about 3 weeks).

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