On Tuesday, 18 February 2014 at 01:21:43 UTC, logicchains wrote:
Regarding the whole generics thing, I think it's important to
note that the focus on them slowing compile time has been by the
community, not so much the core designers. The language devs
state that they just haven't found a generics model they're
comfortable with yet.

That maybe be true, but they also aren't looking for a solution, they don't see an urgency. This has made it so they don't take the time to explain the problems with each (there was a blog I had read which did some detailing of the trade offs, but can't find it to see if it was from one of the devs).

I have my doubts that they will make generics a priority for 2.0 either.

Of course, implementing generics isn't going to be enough for me. It is just an indicator. You are correct that they will want to get the implementation correct and avoid ruining "Go" as we know it; that just means they'll avoid all the other positive things I enjoy about D's templates and meta-programming features.

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