On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 13:36:01 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:
The edge for D in our case comes from 3 factors -

1. A lot of statistical data from older C++ systems means better assumptions and decisions in the new D system; and

But, clearly that is not necessarily a benefit of D. It is a benefit of prior experience and the learning curve. If you said, we use our data to not only make better assumptions/decisions, but to do things in D that can not be done in C++ - then you make a very strong case.

2. 20% of the system is latency-critical and 80% is not. D allows us to quickly finish 80% and really concentrate on the critical 20%. I must also comment upon how much more productive it is to write a new system in D as compared with C++ - gives us more time to think about the actual problem than try to jump through the C++ hoops.

Productivity is very important and can mean big $$ for most firms. But if latency is the critical factor in an all-or-nothing game, then it is much less so. Maybe your game is different and you have edge beyond low latency. I hope that is the case.

3. A much better type system - some checks can be moved to compile time. Major benefit.

What is a simple example of something that could be done with D but not C++ that has nothing to do with building things with less developer time?

For example, I could see technical reasons why in certain non-quant areas like XML parsing where D can be faster than C++. (http://dotnot.org/blog/archives/2008/03/12/why-is-dtango-so-fast-at-parsing-xml/) But then, with a large amount of time and unlimited funding the techniques could probably be duplicated in C++.

Again, I don't think it is necessary to have any/many cases where D beats C++ hands down in performance for its adoption to widen. But to push D to a wider audience by focusing on areas where the bar is already super high is tough. If I had money to invest in D I would invest it in vibe rather than quant because the relative advantages of D are so much higher.

Yes - R, Matlab et all won't be replaced by D most likely. Let's wait and watch. However I disagree about the HFT/low-latency side. Ofcourse there's no way to say for sure. Let's check again in a year :)

Sounds good - keep us posted!


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