On Friday, 18 April 2014 at 20:28:07 UTC, Aleksandar Ruzicic wrote:
I really like rust-lang.org, I was thinking of using it as a base for design but decided against it because I don't want dlang.org to be accused of ripping of rust-lang.org.

This navigation layout was used for centuries in paper books. Recently it was used by gcc docs and w3c docs. I personally see no reason for the side bar: it's never used, just wastes space, which could be used even on 2500 display and maximized browser window: font can be zoomed too, then the side bar becomes a nuisance, while remaining useless (the case for forum.dlang.org).

python.org is one of my favorite websites, they really did good job.

Doesn't it use gradients and 3D effects to emphasize structural elements? You use some borders too, which qualify as non-content color effects, can be seen as 3D to some extent. True metro style is ultimate flatness and indiscernible structure, I work with such applications at work, hence my rage every time I hear about modern UI.

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