On 2014-04-26 11:31, Walter Bright wrote:

Best practices in C++ code increasingly means putting functions and
declarations in namespaces. Currently, there is no support in D to call
C++ functions in namespaces. The primary issue is that the name mangling
doesn't match. Need a simple and straightforward method of indicating

There have been many proposals earlier:


but it seems to me that the simplest, most straightforward approach
would be better.

As more and more people are attempting to call C++ libraries from D,
this is getting to be a more and more important issue.

I don't think it's worth adding a completely new keyword for this feature.

Even though many here will hate it I'll say it anyway, yet another feature that could be implemented with AST macros. There's even an example for just C++ namespaces [1].

[1] http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP50#C.2B.2B_Namespaces_.28issue_7961.29

/Jacob Carlborg

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