On Friday, 2 May 2014 at 18:32:13 UTC, Dylan Knutson wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but this seems really similar to how Rust does owned pointers and move semantics. Or is there a large conceptual difference between the two that I'm missing?

Yes, there are some parallels, although there's no "merging of islands" in Rust, AFAIK.

I believe that the issues that people are bringing up with bad interaction with UFCS, and losing isolated data after passing it to a function, are managed in Rust with the notion of a borrowed pointers. Perhaps something analogous to this could accompany the `isolated` idea?

This will definitely need more thought. I also don't think that UFCS is special; methods should probably be just treated like free functions with a hidden parameter, just as they are for pure.

Purity might be one part of the solution here: pure functions can for example take isolated arguments without consuming them, iff their parameters and the isolated variable have "incompatible" types in that it mustn't be possible to store a reference to one in the other. (The same is true for scoped variables: they cannot escape their scope, even if the pure function's params are not marked as scope.)

Another option are scope/in parameters.

All of this purity, isolated, scope, uniqueness business is closely intertwined... there just needs to be an elegant way to make it all fit together.

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