On 03/05/14 13:00, w0rp via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Hello everyone. From time to time, people ask in the newsgroup and also IRC
about Qt bindings for D, so I thought it would be a good idea to give people an
update on where my own bindings stand. First, if you want to take a look at my
code as it stands, you can get it here.


First of all, it's fantastic that you're working on this.  Many thanks!

I won't comment on the details of the code; it's outside my area of experience, but I do think that Qt support is something that will be very important for adoption of D.

So, I am eager to hear what people think about all of this. Does anyone like the
work that I have done, and will it be useful? Have I committed some terrible
crime against nature, for which I must be punished? Does anyone have any ideas
about things that could be improved, or where to go next? Please, let me know.

A remark about your README: it lists as dependencies "A recent Qt 4 version, like Qt 4.8".

I think you should be far more explicit, far earlier in the README, about exactly which Qt versions are supported. Pretty much the first question I had on my mind, clicking on the link to your project, was, "Is this going to support Qt 5.x ... ?"

I also think that a focus on 4.x rather than 5.x is likely to be counter-productive. 5.2+ seems to be where all the interest is these days.

My progress has been somewhat slow in writing all of this, as I have been
writing it mostly in the evenings, moslty during weekdays, after my day job.
I've also been running into problems for which there are no easy answers,
possibly no documentation for, and so on. So a great deal of my time has been
spent more on thinking of what to do next, rather than writing anything. (It
took me possibly months to come up with the resource management scheme that I
have now.)

I can sympathize with your predicament as I often find myself in the same position. The good side is that the time spent thinking in this way is usually very productive when one comes to finally sit down and write :-)

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