On Monday, 5 May 2014 at 18:32:30 UTC, Brian Rogoff wrote:
On Monday, 5 May 2014 at 17:46:35 UTC, Orvid King via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Destructors and finalizers are the same thing.

That is exactly the point that I am arguing against. That they are confused in D (or 'unified', if you think is a good thing) I accept, but I think it's a language design error, or at least an unfortunate omission.

Yes, if the compiler doesn't know the conceptual parent-child relationship. e.g.: the parent-connection may close before the child-transaction has flushed/commited. In order to prevent this you can introduce (or deduce if you have the semantics of ownership) parent-pointers from child to parent and only allow parent roots to have their destructors called. The result is that the parent-root-tree is not released until all destructible children are ready.

Having class objects on a separate heap with finalizer support could be reasonable if the class construct is viewed as an application-level construct and not a system-level construct. With a dedicated finalizer datastructure you can record finalization dependencies at the cost of a heavier runtime.

However, I think not calling destructors at all for GC memory is the better (more nimble) approach for a system level programming language.


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