I'd like to share some thoughts on improving D's GC, nothing radically different though.

A few observations

- Pause times seem to be a much bigger problem than CPU usage or memory bandwith. Focus on reducing the pause times.

- The GC code is already fairly optimized, so there is a very low profitability in small-scale code optimizations. Improve the algorithms not the code.

- The current GC code is not hackable. First rewrite then improve.

and corresponding ideas.

- Marking could be parallelized, sweeping should be done in the background, GC could serve allocations during sweep from a separate pool (e.g. thread-local).

- The current GC does a lot of bookkeeping work due to how the pools are organized (heterogeneous bin sizes). I suspect (but don't know) that there are big gains in organizing this differently.

- A testable and more modular rewrite (using recent D practices) would encourage more contribution and is necessary for experimentation.


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