On 5/14/2014 5:22 PM, "Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dl...@gmail.com>" wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 20:50:47 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Until things settle down, these are cool, but useless technologies.

Not if your framework (like Unity) can compile down to multiple formats.

While Unity3D provides a great boost in cross-platform...ability, they've recently made it very clear they have absolutely no intention of ever supporting any Chrome-only technology. (And on top of that, even their html5/asm.js stuff still needs a good bit more time and work before it's really production-ready for general Unity3D users. :( )

And yet Unity's easily the *most* cross-platform framework out there. So, unfortunately, deadalnix is basically right: These things are pretty much worthless for right now, until everything bakes a bit more.

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