On 15 June 2014 21:28, Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> http://c0de517e.blogspot.ca/2014/06/where-is-my-c-replacement.html?m=1
> The arguments against D are pretty weak if I'm honest, but I think it's
> important we understand what people think of D. I can confirm this sentiment
> is fairly common in the industry.
> Watch out for the little jab at Andrei :-P

He was basically turned off by the GC, just like most people I introduce D to.
If he could replace it with ARC I bet he would switch immediately.
$100 says he already uses ref counting extensively, and would love for
the compiler to eliminate all that boilerplate!

I predict, AAA gamedev will switch to D the same day that:
1) ARC is an option
2) LDC can produce fully working, MSC compatible Win64 COFF + CV8/PDB
debug output   *** this is the single biggest thing holding D back in
my opinion ***

It's also a significant roadblock for many that Android + iOS still
aren't working (gamedev's don't care so much about the OS API's, but
the compiler must produce working code for all language features).

I've said from the start, and his blog clearly reflects my opinion,
that D is the language gamedev's are waiting for. It's _so_ close, but
just needs some deliberate care by the core devs to get it across the

>From my time here, I think one of the most significant problems is
lack of gamedev contributors. And I think there is a simple reason for
this, which I can draw from my own experience; gamedev's largely are
NOT accustomed to open source workflow or even OSS thinking in
principle. Gamedev is strictly a proprietary, and usually very closed
and tightly controlled industry, and it's not within most gamedev's
daily operating discipline to think in the way that would lead them to
become D language contributors.
So, that might lead many in this community to say "what a bunch of
dicks! fuck 'em!", and that might be fair, but I think it's also
frequently underestimated just how big the industry is. Gamedev is
_gigantic_, and if D were to secure a win in gamedev, I think that
would firmly secure it as a relevant modern language, and kick it off
for adoption by everyone else.
Facebook pushing D is awesome, but facebook is just one company, and
their competitors (google?) are likely to shun their commitment to D
in principle, particularly since they have their own competing
Gamedev is also a very 'trendy' industry... all it would take is for
one significant company to flirt with D and do a talk at GDC about it.
Practically everyone would jump on the wagon overnight, I've seen the
pattern over and over.

I'm sure I'm biased, but when considering potential for large scale
adoption by key industries, I think gamedev is the easiest sell (by
far!), and also the closest to the goal. All it would take is a
deliberate focus by the mainly non-gamedev contributors to get it
across the line, and it could probably be done in a matter of weeks if
it were made a priority...

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