On 06/22/14 08:26, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I would point out that if we do this, we should serious consider renaming pure
> to @noglobal rather than @pure, or even making it the default and then adding
> @global. That would make it so that we wouldn't have to keep explaining about
> how pure has very little to do with functional purity.

1) "@noglobal" is probably not the best name; unfortunately I can't think of a 
   good one...
2) Making it the default, when there are no safe escape hatches, would make
   things worse. You'd often end up having to go back and add '@global' 
   annotations to the whole call stack, once it turns out to be necessary
   to use some D-impure code. Which can affect already published APIs etc.


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