On Friday, 4 July 2014 at 12:59:41 UTC, bearophile wrote:
If the D maintainers don't care about reaching a stable state, at the expense of scope and features,

Don't be silly, D devs care a lot about reaching stability, fixing bugs, etc.

But not to the extent that they are willing to limit the scope and features to get there in reasonable time for D2 (say 10 months), so the feature set is expanding and the scope of the standard library is too big for a stable mature library that is easy to use to be feasible as far as I can tell. Dart is going down the same path. It affects adoption, which in turn affects the eco system. Basically Dart pushed their commercial adoption two years into the future by not commiting to stable platform support, claming that they only support "evergreen browsers", whatever that means. Which pretty much lets Google, Apple and Microsoft define platform stability.

I'm not trying to be pushy or silly. I just want to know if the most probable path for an alternative system development language is a fork or spinning up a new project.

Evolutionary development is great when there is great uncertainty and you need prototyping, but then you need to focus on getting to something that is tight, uniform, portable (future proof) and feasible with the available resources.

A good starting point would be to get down to locking down the specs in a coherent and platform agnostic manner, then plan for making a mature toolset to support it. The D spec should be clear on what IEEE 754 compliance actually means and relate it to all probable scenarios. That would be a very useful exercise in decision making.

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