On Thursday, 24 July 2014 at 18:51:03 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

0. There's no way to set the minimal logging level statically, except for an on/off switch. There must be a way to define e.g. -version=logLevel=trace that sets the minimum logging level actually performed. Any logging below that level is a no-op. Which segues into the next problem:

Internally in SRLabs we are using a logging library with static logging level and static tagging of the log lines, something like:

logdbg!(GL, SUR, REND, DBG_AA)("initialising the surface and the texture data");

Where 'logdbg' is just an helper for having the right log level template params. The tags are defined and reserved in a common module in a tuple, and commented/decommented by the single developer by needs (well, actually we are mixing an external not committed file):

  CAVS,  /// cavs machinery.
  //GL,      /// flavour OpenGL.
  //PAR,    /// descriptors parser.
  REND, /// global renderer threaded loop.
  //SUR,    /// generic mixed library HL surface handlers.

  // ... reserved to developers ...
//DBG_AA, /// Aaron is interested in that for his debugging purpose. DBG_PI, /// Paolo is interested in that for his debugging purpose.

So, we have a very nice granularity and a compile-time guillotine, and we can cherry-pick log emissions in a very pragmatic way in different context (bugs hunting, production, test environ, etc).

The tag approach is strange, and for what I know, it's something that I've never seen around, but everyone here is liking it a lot.

1. There's a bunch of code still generated even with logging statically disabled (per http://d.godbolt.org). I could not find a way to completely eliminate generated code. Unused lazy parameters MUST generate no code at the front end level. This is a performance bug in the D front end that blocks acceptance of this proposal.

That's the big problem: we were able to completely obliterated log lines that don't use lazy parameters, but the lazy is just unavoidable in a log library: I'm very interested in a solution for this issue.


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