On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 11:56:32 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 3/08/2014 11:53 p.m., Bayan Rafeh wrote:
Small question. Can anyone give me an example of when one would use a parametrized block as opposed to a parameterized class or method?

mixin templates take the context for which they are mixed in. Basically:

mixin template FooT() {
        void FooT() {

void myfunc() {
        string bar;
        mixin FooT;

Templated classes/structs/unions/method or functions are used for if you want to modify code gen itself.

I'm not sure if we're going to be using templates much so I'm going to include a couple of examples you gave, plus the link that Gary posted which is better than anything I could write right now. Do you think that's enough?

And I see what you mean with the with statement. It certainly is an intriguing concept, and I would love to see something like that.

Anonymous: I see. C++ first it is.

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