On Sunday, 24 August 2014 at 12:49:30 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Sunday, 24 August 2014 at 12:24:03 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
To that end I'm working on RCString, an industrial-strength string type that's much like string, just reference counted and with configurable allocation. It's safe, too - user code cannot casually extract references to string internals. By default allocation would use GC's primitives; one thing I learned to appreciate about our GC is its ability to free memory explicitly, which means RCString will free memory deterministically most of the time, yet if you leak some (e.g. by having RCString class members) the GC will pick up the litter. I think reference counting backed up by a GC that lifts litter and cycles and is a modern, emergent pattern that D could use to great effect.

Any reason why this is restricted to strings? I.e., is there something special about strings (apart from auto-decoding) that doesn't apply to arrays in general? If not, wouldn't an RCArray be a better idea?

We already have an 'RCArray' (std.container.Array) although it's not perfect. We don't have a reference counted string type that would work with the string operation functions.

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