On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:15:46 +0000
via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> After following these forums for quite some time I think the 
> roll-your-own-as-proof-of-concept is the best approach.
that's why we need "D powerpatches" site. i'm working on it, albeit
slowly. i see it as "patch repository", with descriptions, dependency
tracking ("patch xyz needs patch zxy applied first"), web interface and
CLI tool (something like very lightweight apt). maybe even with
"private repositories" which can be created by users.
so-called "dub for patches". ;-)

something like:

  dppm list
  dppm search
  dppm get uda_nothrow_pure trusted_block -- to get "combined patch"

and so on. maybe even with comment system for patchsets.

this is ambitious project, i know. but long time ago D was just a dream
too. and this project will help me to improve my nearly non-existent
vibe.d skills. ;-)

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