On Wednesday, 1 October 2014 at 10:10:51 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:
lately when working on std.string I run into problems making stuff nogc as std.utf.decode is not nogc.


Also I would like a version of decode that takes the string not as ref.

Something like:

bool decode2(S,C)(S str, out C ret, out size_t strSliceIdx)
    if(isSomeString!S && isSomeChar!C) {}

where true is returned if the decode worked and false otherwise.

Ideas, Suggestions ... ? any takers?

Kind of like the "non-throwing std.conv.to": I'm pretty sure that if you wrote your "tryDecode" function, then you could back-wards implement the old decode in terms of the new "tryDecode":

dchar decode(ref str)
    dchar ret;
    size_t idx;
    enforce(tryDecode(str, ret, idx));
    str = str[idx .. $];
    return ret;

The implementation of tryDecode would be pretty much the old one's implementation, exceptions replaced in favor of return false.

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